The African Global Networks NPC is a Non- Profit company headquartered in South Africa whose aim is to work on supporting and fast tracking the programmes of multi- governments in the area of socio- economic development. Formed and inspired by the appointment of Mr. Wiseman Mkhize by United Nations (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), UNFCCC accredited International Association for the Advancement of the Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI/ GloCha) from New York- USA as the South African Ambassador for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).

Specialising on sustainable development and cross-sectoral approach to climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, Mkhize’s vision was then to harvest a diverse team to be part of a professional vehicle aimed at carrying the vision of the United Nations through non- government stakeholder sector.

Under the directorship of capable and versatile professionals, the African Global Networks NPC is under careful leadership of a mixed- breed of directors including Dr. Sicelo Nkwanyana (Specialist Physician and businessman in international pharmaceuticals), Ms. Jacinta Ngobese is a young business woman in media. Jacinta works in a number of community development projects, her inspiration is mostly on a space township economy and youth development as well as a seasoned young public relations specialist, Asanda Mpaise.


To be a leading organisation in community development with more focus on resource mobilisation for awareness and multi stakeholder engagement in sustainable development through educational programmes.

Mission Statement

Utilising cross- sectorial approach in achieving the sustainable development goals, African Global Networks is more focused on awareness drives which include the use of technology, community participation and partnerships in the areas of climate change, food security, innovation, gender equality, social and inclusive participation in nation building.

Core Values

  • Building cohesive communities through programmes
  • Commitment to reduction of carbon emissions
  • Community development
  • Leadership excellence
  • Driving economic development

Our Objectives

  1. Creating awareness all over South Africa and Africa of the global climate change problems through arts, culture, technology, innovation and other forms of awareness.
  2. Create opportunities utilising the kits on inter- governmental approach on creating policies, and or follow up on South African existing government policies on issues of climate change.
  3.  Forge international relations, not limited to the United Nation’s ecosystem to promote sustainable development and to support the work of the international community to create a cohesive society.
  4. Work with all sectors of government in South Africa i.e. central, provincial and local governments and business sector to promote the objectives of the company for the purposes of building a cohesive nation, mostly supporting the work of the international mandate:

    Encouraging the Youth of South Africa to play an active role in the UN SDG’s througheducation, arts, culture, economic sector and skills sector.

  5. Forge meaningful partnership with the private sector in efforts of creating awareness and thus promoting the arts sector through their CSI efforts and participation.
  6. Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning in South Africa in relation to the international policies for South African community. Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in Southern Africa Countries.

African Global Networks NPC has been formed at this bedrock, through the work of South Africa’s appointed Ambassador by the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges. Ours is the support of the following SDG’s:

i.   SDG #1 – No poverty

ii.  SDG #2 – No hunger

iii. SDG #4 – Quality Education

iv. SDG #5 – Gender Equality

v.  SDG #8 – Decent work and economic growth

vi. SDG#13- Climate action as well as SDG#17- On Partnerships