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Welcome to African Global Networks

The African Global Networks NPC is a Non- Profit company headquartered in South Africa whose aim is to work on supporting and fast tracking the programmes of multi – governments in the area of socio – economic development. Formed and inspired by the appointment of Mr. Wiseman Mkhize by United Nations accredited International Association for the Advancement of the Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI/ GloCha) from New York – USA as the South African Ambassador for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), specializing on climate change and gender equality – Mkhize’s vision was then to harvest a diverse team to be part of the professional vehicle aimed at carrying the vision of the United Nations through non- government stakeholder sector.

Under the directorship of capable and versatile professionals, African Global Networks is under careful leadership of a mixed- breed of directors in a well respected Ms. Lindiwe Rakharebe, a professional banker and business woman of note with massive experience in commercial banking sector in South Africa. Mr. Sithembiso Mabanga is a young dynamic aspiring international philanthropist and business man in a space of energy, events under the Brics Business Council.

Jacinta Ngobese is a young business woman in media. Jacinta works in a number of community development projects, her inspiration is mostly on a space township economy and youth development.

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